Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Plugins and Performance Enhancers

I did some performance tuning (and lots of road testing) on the rockbox and gmu builds.  For rockbox I tracked down the settings for ARM5 assembler optimizations, added -O3 and other compiler settings, fixed some bugs so I could remove the unneeded touchscreen support (included by default perhaps because of android), and added real (if somewhat shaky) battery monitoring.  For gmu I added -O3 and a few compiler options allowed by the IZ2S toolchain.  This made the IZ2S builds useable, and made the uboot kernel version of rockbox work even at 208MHz, although just barely.

Spurred on by this success , I decided to build all the codecs for gmu and all the plugins for rockbox.  Now the plugins (and only some of them) are really only useable at 416MHz so I haven't assembled a full rockbox package for IZ2S,which runs at 312MHz.  However I did update the IZ2S download  to the new version, since it's smaller and includes the battery monitoring.  I also updated the script to work around some bugs in the old version.  Wicknix has made the uboot builds of rockbox available at his z2lite site.

I haven't found a place yet for the IZ2S build of gmu, and it still clicks every once in a while so I'd like to fix that before I package it all up.  But it's looking promising, especially since I looked at the code and realized it could be modified to play internet radio without a whole lotta work.  Plus I found it's key customization file and moved the playlist/directory screen toggle  function to the Zipit key and moved Pause to the space key so I have all the important controls exposed or available by cracking the lid just a teensy bit, perfect for the car.

Moving on to rockbox plugin testing...  How about a quick game of rockblox?

Ok, so I may not be the worlds greatest rockblox player, but I totally own the high score on my zipit.

Update:  Here's a temporary link to a very preliminary package of if anyone wants to try it.

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