Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Marking Time

I was about to call this post "Adventures in Failure", but then I remembered that I already used that title.  Oh well, at least I finally have something to write about again, even if it is mostly fail.

The summer of code started out on the right track.  I decided to take pspmaps to the next level, and bought a tiny inexpensive usb gps to attach to the zipit.  I made some great progress and someday I'll write all about it here, but not right now because I didn't quite finish anything to my satisfaction.  Before I got there, I inherited a beat up crate of old school vinyl records from the turn of the 70s that otherwise would've landed in a dumpster somewhere.  I couldn't let that happen, so I spent most of my free time over the summer converting the vinyl to mp3s for the zipit in the car, instead of polishing up the gps code.  By the time I finished I'd lost my thread, misplaced my notes, and forgotten my passwords to both github and the scratchbox virtual machine I used for zipit development.   Getting old and forgetful can be a real bummer sometimes.

Eventually the passwords came back, but I could not get any traction with the gps coding. My lack of progress was duly noted on the zipit IRC channel, and it was suggested that I should try to do something really dead simple to get back in the groove.  Perhaps due to the sad state of my notes -- a jumbled mess of post-its and random scraps of paper -- the ctodo program was put forward as an award winning solution to this particular problem.  One that could possibly fill a small gap in the productivity apps available on the zipit.  So I gave it a quick compile on my laptop, but it segfaulted on my first key press.  Award winning gold smiley program indeed...

I fixed that particular segfault, submitted a pull request from my fork of the project on github, and to my total astonishment the change was accepted and merged into the main upstream branch no more than a minute later.  I really gotta learn me some organization  skills like that ctodo author.  Could running ctodo on the zipit could do that for me?  Nope.  It works on the laptop, but locks up the zipit.  Maybe it's the screen size.  I don't know.  I give up.  I can already do the same thing on the zipit with emacs if i were so inclined.  I just happen to prefer scraps of paper and dusty piles of sticky notes.

Someone else on IRC suggested that noisy apps are fun on the zipit, and could I maybe finish porting the little piggy tracker that I'd abandoned unfinished many months ago.  Sure, why not?  I eventually figured out where I'd left my work on that project.  What is it that makes some people (mostly object oriented C++ zealots and Apple computer users) name things like directories and source code files with a leading capital letter?  It took nearly 3 weeks before I thought to search for a directory starting with a capital L.  Oh, look, there it is!

Anyhow, when I previously abandoned lgpt I'd gotten it running, but the screen was completely black.  This time I tried it first with an official build on the laptop and worked out the key sequence to quit -- right, right, A -- and then typed the same sequence on the zipit.  Voila, it exited the program gracefully.  Once I had that down, I located the logging function and instrumented just about everything that could possibly alter a pixel on the screen with debug messages.  I found and fixed a few small coding oversights and eventually got the display working.  I suspect the particular lgpt display code option I selected for my zipit build (generic SDL on the framebuffer) was written long ago, but never tested.  Perhaps only the  windowed (non-framebuffer) SDL code, and display code tailored for particular gaming devices, was ok.  There were no guidelines other than the source code itself to help me out, so this was much harder than it really should've been.  And to bump up the frustration level, once I got it displaying things and making sounds, I quickly discovered that it eventually crashes at random times when I try to use it on the zipit.  I give up.  Again.

After all this I was getting pretty desperate for something -- anything -- that I could call a success, so I set my sights a bit lower.  Ok, a lot lower...  I still like noise makers so I dug up a 12 year old drum program, the drumpiler which reads ASCII formated rhythms and pushes the expected sounds out through the speaker.  Now that's something maybe I can understand.  Write yourself a rhythm in emacs and then run it through a compiler.


I tried it first on the laptop and attempted to use the example rhythm from the documentation along with the 4 wav file sounds from the drumtoy program.  Didn't work.  Apparently it's very picky about what sort of wav files you can feed it.  The code is quite dense and very lightly commented in what I suspect is Italian, but after some intense gdb sessions and internet searches for wav file header layout info, I created a one line hack to make it accept mono sound files in addition to the stereo files it originally wanted.  It actually sounds pretty good on the zipit with the drumtoy samples.  Wooot!  Success at last!  I'm back in business.

The goodies will be posted right here, just as soon as I've created a satisfying rhythm I can call my own.  Or maybe sooner, when I come to the realization that I actually have no musical talent to speak of.

Update:  Yep, it's confirmed.  I have no musical talent.  I tried to whip up a simple GoGo beat, but it was so totally wrong that I had to rename the file to nogo.txt  It's included in the iz2s package for your enjoyment.


Listen and laugh.

Update 2: I decided to keep going with the command line noisemaker thing for a little while longer, so I made an openwrt build of the drumpiler.


I also decided to investigate the similar jdkdrum program that should be available for openwrt from the openwrt-zipit package, but for some unknown reason the package failed to build.  This one lays out the drum tracks horizontally instead of vertically, if that's more your style.   I built it first for iz2s and it was somewhat sluggish starting up, but then it ran just fine once it started making noise.  There's a bunch of floating point math involved in mixing the tracks before it plays, so I converted it to fixed point and now it's quite snappy on iz2s.    I used the compiler on the zipit itself to build it for openwrt.  That took less than a minute and went without a hitch, so I don't know what's wrong with the official package.   Also, the original source worked ok with very little start up delay, most likely due to the superior eabi floating point implementation in the openwrt distribution.   Here's the goodies.



And here's the jdkdrum fixed point patch.

I'm currently thinking about shifting away from the command line (but sticking with the console) to investigate the pineapple tracker, or one of several other forks of hardware chiptune tracker project code that you can find kicking around on github.  I think it might be fun to get another ncurses style tracker running on the zipit, if I can squeeze it onto the tiny screen.

Update 3:  I built both trackers (compiled and debugged them on the zipit itself) and they both appear to work ok.  Pineapple tracker is quite a cpu hog, however I haven't yet tracked down the reason why.  That's because the hyperbola tracker is small enough to fit easily on the internal zipit jffs.  And with a few small code tweaks, it fits on the zipit screen with the 5x8 font.  It's also very light on the cpu.

Debugging an ncurses application on the zipit with gdbtui was fun, but challenging.   Even with an ssh session I kept hosing up the screen.  If only I'd noticed this tip about the gdb tty command before I got things working.  That lets me run gdb in a nice large ssh window on the laptop while ncurses operates on the zipit console.  Perfect.  I should probably debug a few more ncurses apps before I forget this handy trick.

Pictures and new goodies will be posted real soon now.


Update 4 (January 2016):

I Compiled some trackers for openwrt.  Still gotta work on the pictures...


These require an OSS compatible libSDL (otherwise they sound like garbage).


Unfortunately these libSDLs cause the gmu supplied on the jffs to segfault, so use with caution.  The older gmu (version 8) that I have on my SD card works ok though.  Investigation is ongoing...  I think maybe it's something to do with the sdl timer code used in gmu9.  I don't have a working autotools on my openwrt zipit, so I had to use the iz2s config.h file.

Meanwhile slug_ over at engine12.com, who still has a real working openwrt zipit dev setup (mine died in a disk crash), applied the sticky key patch, enabled oss, and made a real openwrt package.  So this one actually works, and as an added bonus the official openwrt gcc is newer and better, so the resulting lib is smaller -- only 4k or so larger than the old one that comes with with the openwrt jffs.


Saturday, June 13, 2015

Hit Me With a Clue-by-four

There's been an uptick in activity on the zipit IRC channel lately.  I like that because it gives me something interesting to read when I get home from work, and it's usually more entertaining than the TV.  Also, it gets me thinking.  The other day (actually quite a while ago now -- I've fallen behind with the blogging) someone on the IRC said something that really whacked me upside the head with a cluestick.  Truth be told, it was a couple of good whacks. 

The first hit came while were discussing ssh and sshfs (and a bunch of other nonsense) but it got me thinking about the sshd on my Arch zipit.  I remembered doing some memory checks in top while working on gmenu2x and gmu for Arch, and sshd was always there, devouring a rather large pile of the precious few 32 megabytes of RAM on the zipit - 3.8MB for the daemon, 5.1MB for a connection, and maybe another 5MB to run it from systemd.  Holy cow, that leaves almost nothing for compiling.  No wonder it was soooo painfully slow on the zipit.  It must've been swapping like mad just to get anything done.

Arch zipit with an open sshd session

Both IZ2S and openwrt run the dropbear daemon instead of the full blown sshd, and it appears to use significantly less memory, likely by trading slower speed for smaller size.  There's no Arch dropbear package for arm processors, so to save time I attempted to use the static dropbear executable from the aboriginal linux extras folder.  I believe we went that route for IZ2S.  So I grabbed the Arch X86 dropbear package, manually extracted the files into the right place, and replaced the X86 executables with softlinks to the aboriginal dropbear executable.  This gave me the systemd script needed to start and stop dropbear with systemctl, and it also included the man pages, which can be handy.  I'm new to systemd, so I played with systemctl for a while -- stopping sshd, starting dropbear, and so on.  I eventually learned that I could make things easier if I used dropbearconvert to get the two daemons using the same keys.  Nice.  However, I never managed to convince the aboriginal dropbear executable to accept my password.  I was gonna have to endure another glacially slow compile session and build an Arch dropbear executable myself.  Darn it!

I fetched the sources and did a practice compile on my laptop to see what to expect.  Looked like it might be a real bear :) to compile on the zipit.  But, as fate would have it, about this time I got another whack from the cluestick and remembered the Arch zipit was only running at 208MHz.  No wonder things were taking forever!  How could I be so stupid?  So I fetched the cpu speed script from openwrt and bumped the zipit up to 520MHz for the compile.  Also, this time I closed my ssh session and ran systemctl on the zipit to stop the sshd and free up all that RAM normally tied up by sshd and systemd.  Then I started the build.  It was greased lightning compared to my previous compiling sessions on the Arch zipit.  In about an hour (yeah ok, it's not all that fast) I had a working set of dropbear executables.  According to top, dropbear was using about 0.7MB of RAM for the daemon and 1.6MB for an ssh session.  That's a significant savings over sshd.  And if I want the convenience of compiling via ssh from my laptop (for the bigger screen) I can save another 5MB by stopping dropbear in systemd and temporarily running it from the command line instead.

Arch zipit with an open dropbear session

Things are really starting to shape up for a leaner, meaner Arch zipit.  We just need to tackle the other big fat bloated RAM hog in Arch -- systemd itself.  On the IRC channel justplainmike did some work on replacing systemd with the busybox init app, some standalone flavor of udev, and a minimal init script.  I'm not sure if that ever worked out, but he's also got the Arch compiler running in a qemu chroot.  So I've gotta try that, just as soon as I get a bigger hard disk for my laptop.

Meanwhile I need to assemble some sort of package for the Arch arm dropbear.  For now, here's a tarball of the contents of the X86 package with the executables replaced.


Also, the default all red color scheme and Gigabyte memory units in top makes my head hurt.  Do yourself a favor and fix it.  Just press E several times to get to MiB, then Z7S4 to change the list and status colors, and W to save it in your .toprc file.

Update -- December 2015: 

Dropbear is a real package now for arm in Arch, so the tarball above is pretty much obsolete.  Also, mozzwald has rolled out a new zipit Arch image with the dropbear package pre-installed, so you might want to start with that.  I've updated this older blog post with the details.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

QEMU take 2: A New Compiler for IZ2S

I'm not entirely clear how I got derailed from my efforts with the Arch zipit and my script cleanup projects, but whatever, I'll roll with it.  At some point in mid April I found myself reexamining the qemu setup that I'd abandoned over a year ago.  My goal back then was to be able to compile and test IZ2S zipit goodies without the clunky scratchbox VM I've been using for several years now.  
I didn't exactly get there, but I did reach a point where I could run SDL programs like gmenu2x in a 320x240 pixel zipit framebuffer, simulated in a QEMU window.  That could be nice for testing purposes, but not so much for compiling due to the limited memory in the zipit simulation.  It's almost like compiling on the zipit itself.  However, an IZ2S chroot running in qemu user-mode *could* be made to run a compiler with all the memory of the host machine.  Most of the work on that was already done by Tycho at brainfisheatfrishbrain.com based on the qemu setup outlined here.  Unfortunately Tycho vanished from the zipit IRC channel, apparently without quite finishing.  And I ran out of Holiday time, also without finishing.  Naturally some other zipit project eventually distracted me...

Anyhow here I was, back on track with the qemu setup, and things seemed to be falling into place this time.  There were small gaps in Tycho's documentation that stumped me before.  Where it says, "Create a chroot", what it really means is to make a chroot for the host system.  These were subtle bits that I missed the first time around.  Of course it could also be that my host laptop is more up to date this time due to a recent disk crash and reinstall with the current version of LMDE.  I took some notes and I think this fake shell script captures what I've done so far, using the tarball from 29 november 2013 (SD iz2s FAT) as a starting point.

I'm pretty sure the old gcc-4.1.1 compiler in that tarball still works, just like it does on the SD card.  So if you just want a compiler, and don't care that it's showing it's age, you can use that one after some minimal setup in the chroot.  The setup is mostly softlinks to the busybox apps and other things that aren't immediately available in the chroot, like they are when you boot from the SD card.  Pretty simple stuff.

I took it a little further and eventually got to the point where I could compile things in the IZ2S chroot with the gcc-4.2.4 that Tycho built.  But then I realized it was linking things against the glibc dynamic linker instead of uclibc.  Ouch.  I ran into that problem long ago when I built my older ARM native IZ2S gcc-4.1.1.  Not only was this a nuisance on the SD card, but it prevented me from using x86 tools from the host OS like make, bash, and autoconf to improve compile times in the IZ2S chroot.  Because of this I can't really recommend using the 4.2.4 compiler.  However I could still use it to build a newer compiler, which I did.  I'm pretty sure the old arm oabi has been obsoleted in the most current gcc releases, so I selected 4.4.7 from March 2012 as a reasonable candidate.  It's the most recent of the 4.4.x series, started in 2009, and it's in the sweet spot of the compilers currently used for openwrt on the zipit.   I've seen hints that maybe a 4.7.x compiler can be made to produce oabi executables, so I may eventually try that someday.

Once I got the compiler running, I recompiled Tycho's binutils to link against ld-uClibc.so.0 and then used the new compliler to rebuild itself, completely purging ld-linux.so.2 from the system. 

Now I had to test it, so I tried it on the OpenMSX that came in the brainfish IZ2S tarball.  Turns out, OpenMSX has a really crazy build system.  Not only does it require python, but it also insists on rebuilding everything from scratch, every time.  I originally passed it over for IZ2S due to the build system, but Tycho put python, and tcl, and all the required pieces in place so I went for it.  It took forever due to the full rebuilds, and because the chroot gcc seems slower than the old scratchbox VM gcc.  I guess that makes sense because even though scratchbox is running in a virtual machine, it uses a cross compiler whereas the IZ2S chroot wraps an arm native gcc in the the qemu-user emulation.  A VM for the same architecture beats emulation.

When I finally got an openMSX executable, it still took me a few days to figure out how to run it on the zipit.  MSX never really went anywhere in the US so I didn't know all that much about it.  Eventually I figured out where to put all the BIOS rom images and such, and got it into the CBIOS screen.

Not very exciting.  Now I had to figure out where to get something interesting to run in it.  Since I don't own any MSX hardware or software I tracked down a few homebrew roms.  Bombjack is sorta cute, but it seems like maybe the sound and gameplay is a bit off.  I suspect at 312MHz the zipit is just ever so slightly underpowered.  For comparison I also ran the openmsx executable that Tycho made with the older gcc-4.1.1 and the arm assembly code disabled.  I couldn't tell the difference.  Oddly, the sound worked about the same on both builds, despite the comment about sound not working.  I checked and noticed the brainfish IZ2S tarball was still using the old libSDL with broken sound support.  Tycho probably never knew his openmsx executable was actually fully functional.
I may need to recompile it one more time if I can't figure out how to modify the keyboard config file to give me access to the Dingux on screen display.  (Without that I have to run it from an ssh session if I want to quit.)  Then hopefully I can put together some IZ2S packages for gcc-4.4.7, openMSX, python, tcl, and whatever other useful libs Tycho built before I get distracted by another project.

I also need to sort out and publish some readable follow up instructions for installing gcc-4.4.7 into the IZ2S chroot, and using it to build things.

I've already got a tracking number for mozzwald's z2 breakout board, which means it's been shipped, so the distraction free window is rapidly closing...


I sure called that one.  Six months and counting and I still haven't followed up on this.  So I hastily zipped up the gcc-4.4.7 executables.  I hope I got them all.  There actually seems to be multiple copies of the binutils executables.  I suspect only the ones in the gcc/bin directory are actually required.


Unzip it to your SD card and source the compiler script to set up all the paths and such.

  ".   /mnt/sd0/bin/compiler"

Here's the instructions I posted in the comments section on how to put together the qemu chroot.  You should be able to unzip the compiler into that instead of compiling it yourself.

Qemu setup instructions

Or, use this tarball of the entire qemu iz2s setup.  You'll still have to follow some of the instructions to start it up in quemu user mode.  It's got the compiler, python, openmsx, etc already built and ready to go.  Thanks mozzwald for hosting it.


For historical purposes, here's a link to the scratchbox VM with the older gcc-4.1.1 compiler.

Zipit Z2 Development V2.zip

Update 2 (11/2018):

After a few years of neglect I decided to put the qemu compiler to work once again, and make a new IZ2S build of dropbear.  The old cyphers are deprecated and the workaround command line args to ssh into the zipit are painful.  I could handle something like -1, but -oKexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 is about 40 letters too many to commit to memory.  So I resurrected the qemu chroot and went to work compiling the latest dropbear.  It took a few tries to remember some of the tricky techniques required to produce "optimal" executables for both the internal flash jffs and for the SD card.  For the jffs, small size is critical, so I built the dropbearmulti target with minimal features and compressed it with the lzma version of upx.  An IZ2S SD card uses the FAT filesystem, so individual apps work better than dropbearmulti, because softlinks are not available on FAT.

I've uploaded a zip file to the usual place, with dropbearmulti for the jffs and the individual apps for the SD.

Meanwhile, I discovered some gaps in the tool set on the IZ2S qemu image.  The upx and sstrip programs were absent, and libcrypt.a was unavailable.  I believe libcrypt is actually in the qemu image with the older v4.1 compiler, and simply needs to be copied from the older gcc libs in /usr/local/share/gcc/lib to the usr/lib directory.  But it's not in the v4.4.7 compiler zip or the zips for for the IZ2S libs and includes.  So I think I need to put together a small "toolchain_extras" zip file with the missing bits.

Also, since I can't seem to remember, I'll point out here that CFLAGS="-march=armv5te -mtune=xscale" is nice for the zipit processor.  And do NOT use soft-float on IZ2S.  The stock kernel is OABI and the libs are compiled with default float settings.  Back in olden times that meant hard float instructions with kernel emulation of the FPA via exceptions, which is why floating point code is so dreadfully slow on IZ2S.  If you run readelf -h libgcc.a you'll see lots of zeros in the flags and ABI bits, indicating the defaults were used.  So if you get hard/soft float mismatches from the linker (like I did when I accidentally grabbed the soft-float libcrypt.a from openwrt) then you should compare readelf header output of the mismatched files to see what's up.

Here's a readelf -h header sample from the IZ2S libgcc.a for reference:

ELF Header:
  Magic:   7f 45 4c 46 01 01 01 61 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  Class:                             ELF32
  Data:                              2's complement, little endian
  Version:                           1 (current)
  OS/ABI:                            ARM
  ABI Version:                       0
  Type:                              REL (Relocatable file)
  Machine:                           ARM
  Version:                           0x1
  Entry point address:               0x0
  Start of program headers:          0 (bytes into file)
  Start of section headers:          700 (bytes into file)
  Flags:                             0x0
  Size of this header:               52 (bytes)
  Size of program headers:           0 (bytes)
  Number of program headers:         0
  Size of section headers:           40 (bytes)
  Number of section headers:         9
  Section header string table index: 6

Another tip to remember... If you're making an SDL program for IZ2S, don't forget to link with -pthread before -lSDL and -pthread again after.  This prevents a nasty segfault in the startup code -- before it even gets into main().

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Scripts and Scraps

While working on qemacs, gmu, and other assorted goodies for the zipit Arch image, I built up a small collection of scripts to make life easier for myself.  Alsa is not set out of the box with reasonable defaults for the zipit, so a small script takes care of that.  In order to compile I need to run make, which only works properly if the zipit is keeping track of time.  So I made a script to connect the wifi, and dug up another script to set the clock via http.  Arch runs heavy compared to openwrt or iz2s (systemd and bash vs busybox) so I needed a script to enable swap in order for gcc to have enough memory to actually do anything.  You get the idea.  I really must start a github repository for Arch zipit tools before I lose track of this stuff.

Anyhow, after success with gmu I attempted to build gmenu2x for the zipit Arch image.  I was compiling on the zipit itself, so it took forever.  To speed it up I tinkered with zram at high priority with failover to the lower priority swapfile, but that tended to fail rather than failover.  Locking up the zipit did not improve compile time.  Oh well, so for coding and pacman updates I disable zram and switch to a 64 megabyte swap file.  Otherwise I just stay with the zram.  I built my arch gmenu2x with the IZ2S gmenu2x  code fork because I'm more familiar with it than the openwrt branch. Unfortunately I had to modify the code to use the Alsa API for volume control because mozzwald's kernel wasn't configured with OSS support.  I suppose that means I'll have to start another github fork of gmenu2x for Arch.  I'm not too excited with that idea as the Arch alsalib (like all things Arch) is full featured and heavy and tends to push gmenu2x into swap.  So I convinced mozzwald to add OSS to his kernel build.  However I still need to go back and rebuild gmenu2x to test it. 

AFAIK nobody's built any zipit specific power management utilities for Arch yet, so I added keyboard and LCD backlight controls to gmenu2x, but it needs more work.  For example, there's no screen blanker for graphics mode yet, so you close the lid on gmenu2x and the backlights stay on, unless you dial them down manually first.  Hmmm, that got me thinking the IZ2S utilities and some unimplemented features I'd put on the backburner for all that stuff.  So I gathered up the old scripts, and various scraps of code from pastebin, and assembled an IZ2S utilities repository on github.  Then I got to work on some of those backburner utility projects.  First I folded the power management and LED control multi-call-binaries into one super utility mcb.  This allowed me to add the missing keyboard backlight restore function to lid switch monitor, without calling a separate executable.  I built it with tiny executable settings, so someday I'll make yet another jffs image and this'll save a bunch of space on the flash, and possibly some runtime RAM as well.

I also cleaned up the fake mouse demon and added code to intercept key press events on the zipit's side mounted volume rocker button.  If the control or alt modifier keys are active when the rocker is pressed then the demon steals the key events and adjusts the backlights instead.  It's almost just like I promised way back when I published my preferred "universal" keyboard layout.  While I was in the code I also (finally) added functions to get some use out of the play and stop buttons, when they're being interpreted as the left and right fake mouse buttons (probably most of the time given the general lack of mouse aware programs on the zipit).  Previously I'd added play and stop icons on the gmenu2x settings screen, which is nice, but the actual physical play and stop buttons are available all the time.  Much better.  I've currently got them sending fake key events to tty4 if anything like mpg123 is running there, but you can edit the OnPlay or OnStop scripts if you want them to do something else. 

The play and stop button work got me thinking about the youtube and movgrab.  I long ago lost track of the SD card where I originally set all that up for IZ2S, and couldn't find a pastebin with my IZ2S youtube scripts, so I started over and came up with something that mostly works.  Live streaming only works well with the postage stamp size video.  Perhaps the stdin and stdout buffers are limited (like named pipes) to 64K in the aging stock zipit kernel?   So to work around, I let movgrab spool things to a file on the SD card and pointed mplayer at that instead of a pipe.  It works well for short full screen videos, but eventually breaks up on the longer ones.  That's ok, I suppose.  The movgrab process eventually gets it all and you can play it back later with slightly better settings.

Slightly better is still sorta iffy.  I swear it looks better in real life.

I suspect maybe youtube is throttling the stream, so I tried to get mplayer to display the progress bar and let me monitor how far along it was getting.  But apparently the old IZ2S mplayer was compiled without progress bar support.  It's a pretty old version.  Maybe it's time for an upgrade?

 The tiny 3gp video streams ok, but there's not much to see.

I started on a new mplayer build for IZ2S, disabling this and that -- things that will never work on the zipit -- and patching the ffmpeg code for uclibc.  But what I've come up with so far is still too fat and bloated.  If I can't build a reasonably lean and mean mplayer with progress bar support, then perhaps I can convince the existing mplayer to leave a few rows of pixels on the bottom of the screen untouched.  Maybe I can put up my own progress bar with a small framebuffer program running in the background, monitoring the movgrab download progress while simultaneously tracking the estimated play time?  I did some experiments with libFB and libpsf, but nothing conclusive yet. Also, while I can have the background process send pause and play commands to mplayer if the download buffer gets too low, what happens if the user (me) manually tells mplayer to pause, or even quit.  How's the background process gonna know about it?  Gotta do some more thinking on this...

I'll try and package up the goodies and drop them here when I get a chance.

Ok, here's the Arch gmenu2x, gmu, and qemacs in /usr/local/*.

Here's the assorted helpful scripts that I've got in the Arch home directory. 

Update - December 2015:

Mozzwald made an updated arch image with the oss enabled kernel, and I recently acquired some cheap 32GB micro sd cards, so I decided to try it out.  Dropbear is a real package now in the arm arch distribution, so that's pre-installed on the new image.  Nice.  This also has the backlight blanking demon so the screen will blank even when closing the lid on an SDL program.  Good stuff!

Since this was a new install, it gave me the chance to document the steps required to get the gmu and gmenu2x in the zipit-arch-local tarball above running.

Right after installing mozzwald's image on the sd card, I installed the two tarballs above.  Then I put it in a zipit and booted.  When it was up and running, the first thing I had to do was look under the battery for the mac address so this zipit wouldn't conflict with my other arch zipit on the wifi.  Install the correct mac and connect to the wifi.

   ifconfig wlan0 hw ether xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

Next you want to install some packages.  You'll need to turn off zram and use just the swapfile, otherwise pacman will run out of RAM.  Maybe zram and a swapfile work ok together for small things, but I never got them working well together for pacman.

   swapoff /dev/zram0
   swapon /swapfile2

Then update the packages, and install some good stuff.

   pacman -Syu

For SDL you have to use --nodeps twice or pacman will pull in all sorts of bloated X11 junk.  The dependencies for the other sdl libraries are ok though.  Same for alsa-utils.

   pacman -S sdl --nodeps --nodeps
   pacman -S sdl_ttf
   pacman -S sdl_image
   pacman -S sdl_gfx
   pacman -S alsa-utils

 I use mpg132 for the internet radio app in gmenu2x.  Openssh is handy for scp.  And fbgrab is handy for screenshots to prove you did it.

   pacman -S mpg123
   pacman -S openssh
   pacman -S fbgrab

Once you have all this stuff you need to setup your environment for SDL so it knows to use the framebuffer and alsa drivers.  You'll use some of the scripts from the archome tarball above.

   .    /root/sdlenv
   .    /root/alsaon

I probably want to set the init system to do this and the mac address on every boot up, but I'm not there yet.  This should be enough to run gmu, but I still need to create a wrapper script for gmenu2x in /usr/local/bin, and maybe plug it into the init system.

Don't forget to fix the top display settings.  Scroll to the bottom for instructions.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Out of Focus

Adding the SDL-rtf driving directions viewer to PSPMaps got me thinking once again about word procssing on the zipit.  Every so often I find myself wishing for something like Wordpad, to go just a wee bit outside the domain of the traditional text editor and wander into the territory the word processor.  This was one of those times.  The example viewer program included with the SDL_rtf sources was compact and simple, and solved what appeared to be half of the problem, drawing the formatted text onto the screen.  All that remained to be done was the editing functions, and some sort of user interface.

Once upon a time I got fairly close to the goal, with flwriter and nanox, but was derailed by a particulary nasty early winter snowstorm and never got back on track.  I dug up the old executable and took some screen shots of the user interface, which unfortunately requires a mouse, or the mouse emulator.  However, it really looks almost useable.  I really must finish that up someday.

Meanwhile, could I do something similar on SDL to add a simple editing interface to the SDL_rtf example?  The one requirement would be a small widget set in C using SDL for the backend.  It all seemed so simple.  But in fact it was not.

While C++ GUI widget toolkits are truely a dime a dozen, finding anything for plain vanilla C can be quite a chore.  Finding such a beast that runs on SDL is even more difficult.  I did find AGAR, but something about it just didn't fit my plans.  Perhaps it used cmake or one of those crazy build systems based on python.  Or maybe it pulled in some other huge library as a dependency.  I can't remember, so I'll have to get back to it someday and at the very least jot down what it was that turned me away.

With nowhere to turn I looked backwards, at an old blog post.  I once used a throwaway simple GUI sample program called fgui to prove out the native iz2s compiler on the zipit.  I pulled up the code from my fgui github fork, only to realize it was not actually the same fgui.  I eventually tracked down a copy of that one on an old SD card, although I can't find it anywhere on the internet.  But in the meantime I was looking at an entirely different fgui.  One with perhaps a bit more promise.

The github fgui had just 3 (or 4 if you count a label) basic widgets.  And it wasn't particularly pretty.  Plain old boxy widgets with a seriously ugly font.  But it was written well enough that I could understand it quickly, and certain features made it a good fit for the zipit.  For example, while it could potentially support a mouse, the widget focus traversal and activation is currently all keyboard driven.  I like that.  It also has no dynamic memory allocation calls and it's example test code made a very small executable, under 20K.  Excellent for the zipit.  Plus it doesn't take over the entire SDL program.  In fact it's only connection to SDL is a single drawpixel function and an fgui event handler hook somewhere in the main loop of the SDL program.  Nice modular design.  I like it.

Naturally I had to ruin it.  So I swapped the ugly bitmap font with an SDL_ttf font, breaking the pristine modularity somewhat, but not actually too much.  I may someday restore the ugly built-in font as a make/compile time option, or possibly a runtime fallback option, or both.  But first I'll have to dig up a better looking bitmap font...

fgui demo with ttf font and "fancy" buttons

The next thing I did was add a bit of texture to the flat boxy buttons.  Nothing too modern, but I can now imagine developing a GUI with it that I'm not embarrassed to show.  I also roughed in a checkbox widget, a list box widget, and pretended to make a menubar several times out of the few existing widgets.  I came to the conclusion that I need to add some widget traversal setup functions so I can complement the TAB key with the arrow keys (when appropriate) to change widget focus and get around on the screen.  I also need to modify the widget focus mechanism to allow for menu hotkeys, and to develop a way for parents to pass along focus to their child widgets.  Then maybe I can make a real menubar.

After which the RTF editor code should be a piece of cake.

Oh, wait.  Did I forget to mention my lack of focus?  At some point during the fgui development I got distracted with an sdl asteroids game that looked too good not to play with.  So I compiled a version for the zipit.  I'll try to post it here, when I get a chance.

I also went a bit off the rails and added a theme color option to the fgui widget code.  Here's an example running a green theme with a totally fake mockup menubar widget.
Ha,  fooled ya!  The menubar is truly fake, and I really did add theme colorizing functions in a moment of weakness (It was surprisingly easy due to the well thought out  fgui design).  But in reality, that's actually a screenshot of fgui running in Arch linux on the zipit.  Apparently the Arch fbgrab program only knows about green, or possibly I used it wrong.  But who cares.  The cool thing is I finally loaded the zipit Arch image onto an SD card, installed the Arch packages for gcc, make, sdl, and sdl_ttf  and was able to compile and run fgui right there on the zipit itself.  To keep things on the small side I installed the Arch SDL package without dependencies, and then used the SDL environment variables to select the built in fbcon driver and set the correct rotation for the zipit screen.  Arch runs a bit heavy for the zipit's paltry 32 megabytes of RAM, so every little savings helps.

So now what should I do?  Finish fgui and work on the SDL_rtf editor program, or play some more with Arch linux on the zipit?  I can't decide.

Ok, I guess I decided Arch Linux is more fun right now.  I compiled qemacs on the Arch zipit so I could be more productive, and got busy.  I'm considering installing X11 to see how well (poorly?) that behaves, so I built the zipit mouse emulator and tried it out in the old fgui SDL demo.  I also compiled gmu with mp3 support so I could play some internet radio.  Here it is in the simulated retro green theme imposed by fbgrab.  In real life it's much prettier.

I think next up I'm gonna have to build proper working version of fbgrab for Arch.